Hello dear readers… it’s been ages since I’ve been here, I
know… so, for those of you who’ve come back: thank you for giving me time to
sort myself out and for having enough trust and faith in me to know that I’d
come back with a good thing! And for those of you who’ve just now joined me,
welcome to this funky corner of my head and I hope you enjoy it! I hope you all
find it very very worth it – you’re in for a very personal journey into my head
and soul (if it wasn’t already so!) and I want all of us to make the best
experience out if it.
Firstly, I won’t go all deep and personal into every single
thing all in one go. No, my intention is to make shorter entries out of all of
these important issues that have been swimming all around us for the last couple
of years (or decades, is it? Or perhaps I mean centuries…? It could easily be millennia,
considering how time-wimey humanity has become ever since the concepts of
money, social rank, gender superiority, race superiority and religious
superiority became a thing in our heads). No, I’m not going to try to solve
them all single-handedly, nor do I even suggest that I’m the only one doing it!
See, the reason for my disappearance was that all of a sudden the voice in my
head was overpowered by many other voices, most of them from the past and not
any of them friendly, all talking at the same time about fracking, social and
political borders, race equality, what breasts mean, what a healthy body (and
facial!) image mean, religious division, religious degradation, religious
confusion, religious freedom, the bees, many other animals that deserve even
more attention than the bees, gender degradation, gender division, gender
confusion, gender freedom, basic human decency or the lack of thereof, the
importance of knowing what sexuality really is (biologically, spiritually and regarding
choice), the importance of knowing about forest management for both political
and religious uses, the need for students to stop using the word “bullying” so
matter-of-factly, the need for humanity in general to stop using the word “haters”
as if it was so simple and stupid, the mysterious disappearance of God in many
of the big “God-says” movements over the last few decades (or was it centuries…
perhaps it may be better to not get into this again), and perhaps, if we’ve got
time, I might try to dig really deeply to reach the true meaning and importance
of the number 42.
Now, luckily we’ve got plenty of people blogging today –
some with more experience and professionalism than others, some with more heart
and passion put into sharing their personal experiences, some a nice mix of
both, which is why we all need to develop a style that will add into this
wonderful mix instead of trying to complete with each other. This is my
intention for the following period of my life, and I will come back every
Friday to post something new (for Freya and Venus, remember? The day of beauty,
love, compassion and fertility). Yet, I deserve the right to write an entry out
of the blue in the middle of the week or to skip a Friday if necessary. I will
tackle all of the subjects above and any other that pops into my head and my
life. I have no idea what order they will come in, though, and make no promises
about it. I will also add to that list all the literary and cinematic subjects
that I’ve been constantly been wanting to comment about, but have no idea when
they will swish out of my fingers and into the page.
Another thing I will do is to keep my promise of cleaning up
old blog entries. To that effect, I will re-post all my writings for Inkwells
and Daydreams and Clarity Found, all updated and categorised – but I make no apologies
about having no definite schedule for that. See, I’ve got my novel going on, I’ve
been married for a little over a year and am enjoying the amazing change in my
life… Also, I’m happy and busy developing my acting career and that has taken
time and focus, too! I’m also still struggling with the aftermaths of the
stress of having to deal with the barbaric visa conditions imposed on us (which
I will talk more about when I tackle one of the subjects above!), and I’m also craving
to re-address the importance of love, self-worth, cultural codes imposed over
both of those issues, and the freedom we lack as a race to really be happy with
Sigh, this is why I couldn’t write – it was too much
information and I couldn’t even sort it out in my head enough to make a list of
it! Now, regarding repetition of issues, perhaps sometimes what we need is to
repeat until it’s made itself at home in our brains and souls… with no
intention of imposing my beliefs on others, but rather to give people the
option to choose for themselves. If you go back to my old posts now, please
excuse the childish use of language (I literally had no experience in blogging
back then and was in such an excited rush to get it all out that I just went
for it as if flowed), that’s one of the reasons I want to clean them up. The
other one is that there are a few ideas there with which I don’t agree anymore
since I have learned one or two things if not more about them.
And one more thing before I go… I will give you fair
warning: I will freely use extremely bad and offensive words such as sex,
sexual, sexual pleasure, sexual organs, penis, vagina, breasts as a thing of
beauty, breasts as a sexual organ, fertility, sex as a fun thing and sexual
freedom as a positive thing… When did that happen? When did any of these words
become offensive? Please note that is for all intents and purposes a rhetorical
question. If when you read this bit your first thought was “How is that offensive?”
or, “I hadn’t thought she was such as prude”, then we’re on the right track.
And so, please visit me on either Clarity Found or Sandra
Tena on Facebook (I’m not two people, I just want to keep my author/actress profile
as a separate thing for professional reasons), and my Amazon author page to
read any (or all) of my books), and I bid you farewell and welcome!
No, let me try that again… once again welcome back to my
homely and healing corner, and I bid you farewell and blessings!
Sandra Cole ≈ Writer, healer, seeker, lover
My author page on Amazon:
Clarity Found:
My author page on Facebook: