About Sandra Cole

It was when I was 11 years old that I decided I wanted to become a writer and an actress. It was when I was 12 that fell in love with the UK and decided I wanted to make my life here. It was sometime between 21 and 25 that I decided that I wanted to become a model as well, very much against the social constructs of the Mexico, where I was born and raised. You can just guess how much of that time has been invested in putting myself out there to be recognized as all three. During most of that time, however, I’ve also made the commitment to myself and my healing; I keep taking workshops and going to group healing/meditation events, listening to talks and learning from all my teachers of different subjects so that I have reached a state of great clarity and health: physical, emotional, biochemical, spiritual and psychological. In 2013 I chose to give back to the world everything that has been given to me in terms of support, learning, motivation and blessings, and thus created this blog where I can document my path and perhaps guide others through theirs as well.
I’ve been on the healing path since I was 14 years old, so I’ve had the chance to study myself as well as the way we, as humans, interrelate with the world through every channel we possess. The first 13 of the years since were a most blessed training, designed by the Universe to show me who I was and what I could do: my strengths, my tools and my possibilities; they prepared me to survive the tragedy that would ultimately crash-land me. At some point, between the ages of 24 and 25, my life seemed to have to come to an end as I knew it, and I found myself struggling to get out of a muddy hole in the darkness; that situation eventually helped me remember everything I’d previously learned and push out not at all unscathed, but gleefully with a new, amazing view of the world and of what we can do if we only put our minds to it.

Now, to understand why I took longer to truly become an actress, author and model than I’d have wished, I first have to tell you about the ailment that was with me since the very beginning, which made dark things even murkier. I was born with a brain lesion so tiny that it wasn’t detected until I was 23, only when the technology was advanced enough to look that close into the brain and find it. That lesion, however tiny it was, was responsible for malfunctions in my brain biochemistry, thus giving me depression and a disorder that made me even more hypersensitive than I already was. For a Mexican girl, growing up in a smallish city during the 80s and 90s, words like “depression” and “schizoaffective disorder” were sociability-killers. I was an introvert by nature, all artists are; I also wanted to be understood, and I wanted more than anything to feel like I belonged, that I was cherished, that I was normal. It wasn’t until later that I realised just how lucky I was not to be normal, because it was my peculiarities and quirkiness that have undoubtedly put me on the path of true success. But tell that to a depressive teenager whom everybody thinks is just a spoilt child, and you might not get the same reasoning. I am able to talk so surely about this because I mapped out my healing and my life in such a way that I was sure to succeed, even though a lot of that work went unnoticed by my consciousness. This doesn’t necessarily mean that everybody should just sit back and let their insides do the job, yet we are wise and we know what’s better for us and how to get it, so we should trust ourselves and let our bodies, emotions and spirits do the talking every now and then.

I went for both for the standard and the alternative cures.  While I joined workshops in healing and energy and the arts (because art also has incredible healing properties), I also took medication and kept up with my big and small accomplishments. It took me twenty-one years to get to the point that I am now (as I mentioned, I started when I was 14, and the later detection of the lesion opened a new set of methods to enhance the healing process I had going for me, and the years since have had their ups and downs but have undoubtedly been magical, wholesome, and so so so worth it!). Now, before you say: “21 years is too much, I cannot wait that long”, let me say that one of the best ways to ensure true success is to accept the path and learn to enjoy it, as well as being grateful for every step, good or bad, in which we can learn, grow and enjoy and enhance our ways.  This might be a repeat message, but I am a big believer in repeating those messages that are worth repeating if they will enhance and accelerate the reader or listener’s process.

Because of all of those workshops and years of effective treatments, as well as my drive towards making the change tangible, I can safely say that I have succeeded. I found out that the more I enjoyed my path towards my goal and the more I let the world know how thankful I was for all the blessings and opportunities I had coming my way, the more little things I achieved. What’s even more, I’ve found out that those little things are summing up to become bigger things, so I find even more reasons to keep smiling and to keep saying thanks.

As well as all that, one of my biggest and most substantial achievements is that I was able to get off the medication all by myself in 2013; it took me about two years, but for someone who’d most likely have to take pills all her life because of her disorder, that’s a really big deed. I’ve been off the medication ever since, and the result has been a well-deserved feeling of pride and accomplishment. And I’m fully willing to remain on the healing path so the enhancing is constant.  The best news is that this is a process that’s accessible to everyone! So, I hope my blog helps everyone who reads it access that path too.

Bright blessings,

Sandra Cole ≈ Actress, Model, Writer, Esoteric Explorer and Happy Bookworm

(Picture credit: Me as Glastonbury's 2017 May Queen during the town's Maypole Beltane Celebrations. I represented Maid Marian to my husband Stephen's Robin Hood as May King. The picture was taken by the very talented Rocío JF from De Cerca Photography: 
http://www.decercaphotography.com/ )

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