viernes, 14 de septiembre de 2018

The return of that Voice in my Head

Today marks exactly 4 years since I met my wonderful husband Stephen, so what better way to celebrate than to joyfully bring back my blog!
Bring it back from where, I hear you ask? Well, lovely readers, truth be told, I simply don't know! The curious and ridiculous insatiable void that is The Internet took it away some time ago without any warning or explanation, and then brought it back to me a couple of weeks ago, again without warning or explanation!
So, as I said - best time to revise, or if I may be so bold, regenerate, That Voice in my Head! Four years ago, to the day, I danced around a Dalek at the bottom of Glastonbury Tor and my now husband came out of thin air to announce himself to Glastonbury, and we both fell head over heels for each other.
There was no other option - we were meant to be together, we fit like jigsaw pieces that had been put into the wrong boxes and had finally found their set in the right Blue Box.
The context is, of course, we were both playing the Doctor in a fan series of Doctor Who, produced by our amazingly talented and magical friend Mani Navasothi, who we'll see tomorrow in London to celebrate the Equinox with our tribe - and you can feel free to read the rest of my blog to understand more of the context of all of this I'm relating now.
The next day was what I fondly like to call my second birthday. I was naked in the White Spring and absolutely everything in the world suddenly made sense. That was a key moment in the fan series which, spoilers! by the way...
There is a lot to be written here regarding healing, synchronicity, and creative outlets, some of which I've already described in previous entries, some of which I'll continue writing about as the years give me opportunities to explore these subjects - but one thing is certain: this is a time for renewal in my life! Old things that are not needed any more get recycled or tossed away, new things that I've desired come in or grow from creative projects and careful planning, and things which were taken away come back if they were really mine to have, sometimes in a slightly different shape, sometimes the same but better...
So tonight I've celebrated four years of life with this magical, handsome, creative oddball that is my husband, but guess what? I'm also celebrating the WHOLE life that came with him! From creative collaborations with some of the most fantastic people that I have ever had the honour of working with; magical growth in our personal healing and path with the Craft alongside so many really wise and powerful people we have connected with in this community; years of community celebrations at the Assembly Rooms and in the glorious land around Glastonbury and the Tor, honing our skills by joining forces with great ceremonialists and creative people all around; and last but never ever least, finding a wonderful way to connect and reconnect with our extended (and extensive!) family all around the world - including friends who have always been like family to each of us!
So, today I want to celebrate this Life I gained four years ago! This blessed, wonderful life and everything and everyone I love who is part of this life I love!
And before I start sounding like a tongue-twister (one of my many great skills!) I leave you happy readers and bid you all a wonderful weekend ahead.

Sandra Tena Cole ~ Actress, Model, Author, Esoteric Explorer and more