viernes, 10 de octubre de 2014

The Lady Moon and soothing rain and other melodies that guide me...

So, my life-path has taken me back to Newcastle, then…  not quite today, however, since as you read this I am currently in Liverpool on my way to Macclesfield, but for all intents and purposes about what  I am doing in life now, let’s talk about Newcastle upon Tyne.

I arrived on Wednesday morning, late, as coaches sometimes tend to be; I was received by an incredible Hunter’s Moon, red and ghostly as she hid behind the clouds before disappearing into the far-off ground…  A blessing, she said it was, her blood-like colour waning, seen best by some back at my continent of origin (and perhaps by some as well here? I get lost and confused by the changes relating to GMT, and the fact that I have been living right there for the past three months seem to be of no help at all… not that it would, anyways, but  you know what I mean…).  A blessing, then, she said, and I understood her perfectly: I needed not see the eclipse because she is not hiding from me, nor do I need to hide from myself evermore; but she kept the red of passion, of the magical and historical elements that hooked me into this culture twenty years ago, of the drive that makes me push forward and remain, of the literary blood that flows in my veins and reveals all my worlds, of the love I found at the most unexpected turn of the very last corner I could have taken shy of three weeks ago…  The red that makes me learn and grow and dance as I carry on…  The red that symbolizes every aspect of the human heart…

And on the other side of the Lady Moon were the bridges, all lit in different measures, waking up at the break of dawn, bringing a smile to my lips, that sweet one that refers to nostalgias and bight futures all at the same time…  I’ve reached two of my goals all at the same time, without time to reflect on what it’d mean, what’s the best way to balance all, to keep going and make every step better without losing on bit of the greatness that has arrived…  That greatness means in both ways an incredible push for me to learn about the world once again; I feel inspired by the people who surround me to push my boundaries of creation, to use my new-found near-absolute health to work with the people and the land, to stretch my imagination (even more, that’s right!) and devise more words and messages of hope and empathy and the world becoming one…  I have always put in my grain of sand, but now I have crossed the line into those who shall carry buckets, or clean certain spaces of the beach, or perhaps help another soul build a sandcastle, because that’s what’ll bring about more hope…  I was afraid of the responsibility that healing meant, but this is it: my social conscience beckons for me to help as much I can in a more practical way than I have ever done before…  This will mean, of course, a lot more training, a lot more learning, and a lot more healing to be constantly done, but now that I see that the hard work is so rewarding, there is no way I could ever turn back on it again!

I had grown concerned over the past few months about my own thwarted need to return over and over to the same old subjects; I had lost a bit of myself years ago, and been focusing even since on getting it back, scary as it was because most of the time it just seemed so far away; everything changed as the two doors opened right in front of me, and I realized more than ever before how every single turn and loop and silly mistake and opportunities that I decided not to take have all led me to this particular moment, right here, right now, and it could not have been otherwise!  I have been saying that for the past couple years, at least, known it since about four years back, but it had to be as this Autumn reached me that all the wheels that had been turning just clicked into each other, and a new goal was created from it…  Well, “new” is not quite the word, since I’d been saying for a while that I wanted to become a Healer anyways, and Healing Spaces was the basis of my business and my coaching ideal anyhow, but every once in a while you just have to be a phone call away from bliss to notice how strong that “new” goal really is…

You see, I stare into eyes of rainy days permanently now, even at those times when I close my eyes.  What I see in the rain is always pure, always life: cooling and healing and intensely creative, cozy like home and brings me thoughts of coffee, books and cats… even the stormy weather, because the land is being swept for onwards regeneration, and thunder scrolls the heavens to intensify our energy for days to come… in those eyes I guess the stories that later are told with his voice of music, thyme and lore; and I am afraid of seeming like a newbie as he talks, and he makes me feel proud to be one, and it brings tears to my eyes as I think of it, much like it did on Monday as I walked into my room in London after the most intense week of my life (“What have I been doing so far?  What are my stories to tell?  Why am I so focused on myself when there is so much more out there?”).  Tears of shame or tears of gratefulness, you decide, I don’t care.  I know, just like we all do from a very young age, that none of us can give that which we don’t have, so I have to believe that this is the last bit of myself that I had to be ready for, in order to claim my prizes, and in order to be strong enough to give back to the world again!

The story of the two souls that touched ground at maybe just about the same time four years ago, he in Glastonbury, me in Stonehenge, some weeks apart and oblivious to the other, could yet be told one day if time and space allows, for both stories stretch back into growth and paradigm switches from ten, twenty, thirty years ago… Just imagine: one of my regenerations used to dress like a boy, one of his regenerations was a Goth; who knows what would have happened if we had met either one back then?  And both stories have enough swirling about until the time they came together… and so much more spinning lays ahead of us, because there is no stopping the path of knowledge once started!  Bear with me and perhaps someday we’ll tell; he’s done so much in his own way, I’ve done so much in mine, and as far as I know, this new volume has only just begun…!

So let me take you back to Newcastle, then, cos I have a word to keep with this past and possibly future home of mine: I have yet to say Thank You once again…!  I say “once again” because if any of you remembers correctly, that is how I started my blog in the first place, with my deepest heart-felt thanks to the University that gave me my first YES and is giving me now my second one… my story with Newcastle is one of connecting with my intuition and learning to say yes to life…  I will take license from myself to include the link here to my graduation speech, one I didn’t deliver but was highly acclaimed during the audition stage:

That is how I express myself, in any case, and I would not change a word from it to say thanks!  I will include my most inspirational teachers, Ann Coburn, Linda Anderson, Margaret Wilkinson, Jackie Kay and Will Fiennes, because they are most deserving of knowing that without their words and comments, both good or bad, I would not have found it in me the determination to keep pushing forward in all my areas… My novel is coming along, and even in my previous book, my short story collection, I thank all my teachers from here, much as I will thank again when Wideawake sees the light of day; they all deserve thanks, but I will point out that these five mentioned here were not just teachers to me, they were focus points for me to turn to, and they lighted my way in smaller or bigger ways so that I could turn something that was half-cooked into a full wedding cake to make and eat it too (crappy reference, seen as that particular short story did not make the best grades in the eyes of Linda Anderson, but I guess you’ll all have to judge it for yourselves when my second short story collection is ready to come into the light as well!). (Yes, that’s me trying to grab your attention with a wacky clue and see if I can make you want my second short story collection be finished soon so you can read me there as well) (Is it working?).

My story with Newcastle is far from over, though, but there is still more to be learned in life anyway, so I am more than glad to come back to this city for as short or long as needed for me to get a hold on that which I will make mine: my business, my books, my love-life as soon as we can stop skipping from town to town?  All right, that’s already mine, however far apart we are at times, and I could not be any more grateful for that wise and bright and beautiful presence in my life…!

All right, so I’ve kept it short this time around (almost!), and very very sweet, because how could it not be?  I can only say another time (more publicity for me), the other blogs I spoke about are shaping up, and the first one might already be up by the time this is being read, so keep on the lookout, because I am not dancing in the dark anymore: I’ve got light now, and I’ve got company, and the thing I want the most is to work out the many ways that I can join the ranks of people who are working hard to heal the world…

Blessings to all, and may you have a beautiful day, evening, week or weekend ahead of you!


PS, just have to say that the first thing I did as I walked into the Old Library Building was get lost because of the labyrinth of doors and stairs that English University buildings seem to consist of, and because of the imperceptiveness of my brain when it comes to looking at signs for the right amount of time before treading in the direction that I *think* I understand is the right one…  All right, first point in motion to keep working on so that I don’t keep getting myself, and other people lost as well…!

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