viernes, 19 de diciembre de 2014

One more for the road...

Another one of my life-eras is ending as you read these words.  Another one, yet again marked by the constant search for my own person, my professional success, and of course my place on this blessed Earth.  During the past few months, just like always before, I have not stopped knocking on doors, I have not stopped pumping my legs so that they get me to my destination, and most of all, I have always kept on wishing…  Granted, I nearly lost hope sometime three months ago, and was this close to settling down in the wrong sense of the word…  I’ve come to realize that if someone tries to map out my life through this blog and some of the other writings I’ve done, there could be two outcomes: one, that they would be amazed at my strength, passion and stamina to undergo my healing and become who I’ve always known I’m meant to become… or two, that they would be miffed and impatient at my utter insanity.  Either way, I’m fine with it.  Either way, I shall keep on writing.  Either way, I shall always remain the Fool and keep plunging in, because if one thing I’ve learned is that you really get nowhere if you don’t jump in! This time around it’s been the same, and I’m nowhere near landing, cos I’m having so much fun flying around!

Wait… that came out weird… let me try again… Yeah, here goes: remember that moment sometime during The Trilogy of Five when Arthur Dent learns to fly because he kind of forgot to land?  I feel a little bit like that, or a lot, rather!  And now I’ve got my own Fenchurch to fly around with!  Or, er, maybe Stephen’s Arthur and I’m Fenchurch, you know, whatever…  Not that that matters, so moving on.

What I’m trying to say, is that those of you who’ve travelled with me over the past year have witnessed the pain, the confusion, the anguish, the crazy ramblings and one or two overenthusiastic displays of feelings for men I’d just met (Tom Hiddleston does *not* count.  He’s an actor, he’s not real in my life.) (Oh, wait, Stephen is an actor… erm, yeah, but he counts.  He’s real here and now with me, enough said.).  Those “statements” within the blog were obviously jokes, but some people took them too seriously and they came back to hit me in the face a few months ago…  I know sometimes jokes have an element of truth behind them, but like my friend Laura said the other day, anybody who knows me will know that such truth lays in the fact that I deeply wanted to find something real; so maybe it was my way of telling the Universe “Hey, something like this but even better, please?”…  And you know what? It worked!  Cos seriously, when I say that I never got physical with like 90% of the men I fancied or dated (hardly ever both at the same time), I’m not exaggerating… but I do know now, that was my own doing, because there was always that something I didn’t like and it just kept making me want to stick to my list!  Everyone told me that I was crazy, and that I would never find a man who could ever fulfill my every requirement… To all of you who said that, I have to reply:  you were right!  Stephen Cole doesn’t have a car, but he meets all of the 42 remaining requirements, and he even added a couple of his own that I didn’t even know I wanted, so yeah, I’m keeping him!  No one really needs a car in England, anyway, so I was going to cross that one off the list at some point.  (Those of you who actually enjoy driving or whose commutes would not be happily handled without a car may be free to disregard that last line.)

Right, but what about the rest of my life? What else has changed?  Well, I brought Wideawake to full completion and sent it to an agent, so that’s a huge deal for me…  also, I’m translating my short story collection and starting a whole new non-fiction book, besides continuing work on the Pentacle series.  Everything I start I will finish from now on, not like in past years, when I spent two weeks in Ann Arbor working on a novel just to flick it away because it disagreed with my reasons to write it… or like with Pentacle itself, which I’ve reset five or six times now!  I will finish those books and you will hear from me!  Oh, wait, that came out like a threat… Eh, I will finish those books and my name shall be known!  Still a bit dark overlord-ish, but yeah, works better…

The business thing, well, that one fell through, but I have just opened my proper healing page online and you’re all welcome to check it out… (ahem, advert! (Yeah, I didn’t think it though with how long that name is…  I might change it later on, but Clarity Found will remain…).

There is one thing I must do, though, and that is to thank everyone who’s been with me on this wonderful path, reading me and lending me their ears and shoulders; friends and family and mentors; from the youngest to the oldest; all far away so close, as we’ll always be…  We may not talk as often as we’d wish, and see each other even less, but let me tell you this, I have not, any single moment, stopped being grateful of everyone who’s touched my life… well, it took me a bit to acknowledge that those who brought the darkness were actually blessings in disguise, because they steered me into this particular path, but you all know what I mean.

This seems like an end-of-the-year closing entry, but I’ll still write next week… that’ll be my Hobbit verdict, however, like last year’s…  And the New Year’s one, on the first Friday of 2015, will be my read-in-the-year-top-20 book list…  this, nonetheless, is the end of an era for me, because once again I’m leaving London, but mostly because I have finally found what I was looking for, and this farewell to the city marks a new beginning for me.  Of course I’ll keep searching for the rest of my wish list, namely my getting myself sorted as an author, and lifting the online business so that I can manage my life as well! (Please Universe, you see how hard I work, make it happen?).

Anyway, I suppose I wanted to close the year with an account of what you’ve seen me go through, and brief answers about what I have and haven’t managed, but more than that, I wanted to close the circle from when I started a year ago to the moment I am now, so that next year starts fresh and new because the healing will have taken place!

I wish you all the best…  Merry Christmas, Hanukkah or Winter Solstice (or anything else you might celebrate) (or all at once!), and see you next week to talk about Bilbo Baggins and his quest again!

Cheers and blessings!

viernes, 5 de diciembre de 2014

Communication skills: my lacks and hopeful improvement...

Ok, here’s what’s going on in my life…  Last week I was not even able to look up a short story or do a picture thing again or at least grab one of my old essays so I could do the progress thing I said a couple of weeks ago, but instead I came up with an apology two days later, pretty much because that’s how hectic my life seems right now…  Yes, I get what some people say, I don’t even have a job, and I’m traveling left and right and up and down England, but there’s a reason why I’m doing that! (Besides love, I mean).

Oh, we’ll start with that one…!  There’s a key answer I give when asked why I decided to settle down in England, and that is, and shall always, be “For love”.  Granted, the meaning of that has changed as of late, although 99% of the people usually think that there was always a boy involved in my emotional attachment to this country.  However, no one seems to realize that before I met Stephen, I never had anything remotely close to a British boyfriend, ever, during the 20 years between the day when I first set foot in London to the moment that he and I became official.  So, yes, the meaning of the answer has changed, but only to make it stronger than ever…  I have talked extensively on these pages about my love for England: the way my energy vibrates on this land, the way my words flow better than anywhere else, the way I feel like I can really show enthusiasm for history and tradition and myth, and not be mocked about it; the way I can read in any public place or transport and won’t have anyone come and bother me about trying to look smarter or more important than the others around me…  the way I can walk and not feel oppressed by weather, the beautiful architecture that stimulates my fantasizing, the way the rain caresses my skin and the cool wind makes me feel light and energetic, the way the music and other sounds in public places seem to blend in with the scene most of the time and feel nice instead of clashing with my inner world…

Yes, Mexico is extremely beautiful too and I gladly invite anyone who wishes to visit or move there to do so, I’ve stated that multiple times as well, get over it…  Thank you for bringing it up, but is that really necessary, every single time?

I’ll talk about that guilt-trip of mine in a minute, but first let me wrap up the other issue so we can move on a bit more organically…  Thing is, now that I have the greatest reason ever to strive for my chance to stay here, there is also the political situation the country is going through…  The UK government, like in any other nation’s, is house to certain people who care more about their own wealth than about the country’s actual needs.  Of course, this is a story we see everywhere in the world.  Basically, if we were to put a group of people in the same room, where every single person was from each different country, and we told them to raise their hand if specific groups from their country’s government are more concerned with filling up their pockets than with the actual guiding of the nation and providing real welfare for the inhabitants, possibly 98% of them would raise their hand…  The rest might either a) might not have a nation due to ongoing power wars in their native territory, b) might not be aware of the political climate in their country and thus it would have been our mistake to have put them in the room because we did not make a fully well-researched selection of these people, or c) might blissfully be from New Zealand, Denmark, Sweden, or any other of the handful of countries that has close-to no political controversies or impending-doom social issues.

All right, well, none of that’s new to anyone… Problem is, that as plenty of those politicians in this country are blaming the current economic problems on the immigrants, then a girl like me, has to work extra hard to prove she deserves the visa, especially after previously running into the same problem in both countries, England and Mexico, when looking for a job: I seem to be overqualified to be hired in a lot of the things I applied to, what with having a UK Masters, but at the same time I was underqualified to work in a lot of other things, what with having only teaching as a background…  Hence, my best option is to create my own business, right?  Sure, that’s a good idea, except that these things don’t get launched in a matter of months, so I have to work really really hard at it…!  Really really really hard!  So it might seem like I’m just travelling around, but I use most of my commuting time in planning, note-editing, formulating my work plans, reading (which is also part of my literary life, obviously) and trying to type up stuff when I’m not too dizzy… otherwise I’m staring lifelessly at the world around me because every once in a while I just end up so exhausted that my brain just takes off somewhere to rest where I cannot bother it…  I want to say that a couple of times it has just remained back at Glastonbury, while other times it most probably just went ahead to my place and got in bed to wait for me, cos I really doubt that it has the energy to try to look for somewhere new and take in new sights and information that at this point could not even be processed if I tried…

Then there is the one or two days a week that I get to run around London with a Sonic Screwdriver in my hand being chased by aliens and whatnot, and that’s just as tiring as it sounds… it’s also just as fun as it sounds, which is why I am enjoying it so much, just as I am finding it so pleasurable to be doing my literary research and planning my way of life while I’m traveling back and forth…!

So, yes, before anybody asks, I am having the time of my life, and when I repeat “really hard” over and over that does not mean that I am having a bad time, cos on the contrary, these past months have definitely been the best months of my life!  Thing is, there seems to be a belief that if a person is enjoying themselves then they are not working hard enough…  And I carry so many of those guilt-inducing ideas and stuff with me since times unknown…  I’m working on releasing them, because they’re slowing my progress: all of that having to explain and justify myself even though no one has asked me about it is a real time-waster…!  On the other hand, I can finally understand why sometimes people might think I am saying things that I’m really not, and hopefully I will reach a point when I can actually stop myself from altogether doing it.  They pretty much go hand in hand: I over-explain or become quite enthusiastic in saying a particular YES or NO at something, overcompensating for a wish not to have to justify myself, and that’s when people have thought that I feel differently about certain things.  So there you go, I’m still learning (yay!), and actively trying to stop these misunderstandings from happening, which is even cooler, cos I really want to be perceived as someone who says things as they are, with no more or less meaning than I intend them to.  I think I’m already a bit like that, because some of my friends have told me lately that that is one of the things they appreciate most about me, so yay again!

So, this is my healing path, the never ending road that that I love walking, and sharing as I do…  Although there is still that noisy, overcompensating thing I also have: the need to bring Mexico up every time I speak wonders of England.  I will go out on a limb here and say that, since most people ask the question “You don’t like it there?” when the other winces or shrugs or hesitates at the mention of said place, I might have been taking things way too personal since the beginning (so, like 25 years ago).  That, multiplied by seven when I went back to Durango after living in cultural and friendship bliss for two years in Ann Arbor, being instantly tagged as “malinchista” for feeling the way I did; and then multiplied by another nine or ten, when years later people made a point of excluding me and saying that I was not Mexican because I did not like the music they were playing at parties or nightclubs (or cars or on the streets) (the bad kind of music, I mean.  We’ve talked about this, remember?  Twice.  Go back and check.  Thanks.).

Anyway, my character if I were in a mutant or magic movie would be an empath.  Blimey, that came out of nowhere, didn’t it?  Um, let me go back a bit…  Remember how we’ve also gone into the fact that I do have hypersensitivity, all in all in every area, from skin and smell and stuff, to feelings, and to the emotions of my closest ones in particular.  This is a thing that I view as a rather pretty gift, because most of the time I am fully able to connect with the person and clear things up or help them heal from something, or just provide emotional support, even though it’s taken me years to polish my abilities so that I don’t either take it personal and feel hurt if what the person is feeling is anger or impotence, or so that I don’t feel completely responsible for the person’s rise from that state of mind and soul.  Because of this, I always felt very morally wrong whenever one of my aunts or cousins of closest friends tried to sell my own birth country to me, as if I was despising the country and everything it entitles, which included them as well…  But I’m not and I never was!  I can understand the misunderstanding, however, because I do feel pretty strongly about the things I don’t like, and I hold my right to not like them even if that makes me become an absolute outsider, to the point of my lack of knowledge of anything that goes on in their personal lives because I’m not invited to their normal reunions, and thus no one fills me in on the gaps…  For instance, a few weeks before my return to England, a close friend of the family got married, and I had a very weird moment of isolation when not only did I realize that everyone at the table I was sitting in was talking about stuff they’d done on class trips or many other reunions that I hadn’t been at, but I also discovered that someone I thought was one of my closest friends was dating someone new, and I was completely out of the loop.  The question arose in my mind: If this guy and I are such good friends, why did he not tell me this?  We’d been talking almost every week I’d been in Durango, so I should have known, right?  Erm, wait… why is it that I took something like that so personal and felt completely left out, when more than half my friends have not yet heard about my own relationship from a first-person basis?  Well, before you answer, I’ll say that yes, in that case I was completely an outsider, not that any of those implied are less my friends or anything, cos they will remain dear to me no matter how far away I am, but I should not have taken it so personally because I hadn’t really been part of their group anyway!  They were all in the same Masters, in the same work place, in the same trips and conferences, whereas I was always waving from afar.  And still, it took me about two years and a half to learn that not because you’re starting a new relationship, now you’re going to go around to each one of your friends and say “Hey, guess what?”.  Yeah, I *had* to learn that, because it never quite occurred to me that most people don’t go yelling it all around, particularly because there is not much time left for that, if what you’re trying to do is get to know this new person…!   Yeah, I now get as well why some people get offended about that, too: “Now you’re with someone new and you’ve forgotten about us, your true friends!”.  Sigh.  All we can do is our best, and the best for us, at that…  Everyone else, if they’re truly our friends, they will understand our happiness, our need to cope with it in our own way, and our need to make it happen in our own way as well…

Wait, how did I get from politics and visas all the way to this…?  Not sure, but let me add something: in all the subjects I’ve studied, all the things I’ve seen in the world, there is nothing more interesting to me than human psychology, relationships, and evolution of personality and soul… there is nothing more beautiful than those moments when I say “Oh, that’s why!”, whether it is a good thing or a bad thing that I am understanding…  And I will also say this: I will always believe in the human race, even as I give my glum explanations of world politics and economy and stuff up there at the beginning of this entry, I will forever cheer humanity on its path of healing and evolution, and love and hope and brightness!

Cheers and blessings all!!