sábado, 6 de octubre de 2018


What a funny little thing
Gets me frazzled instantly...

Words, sentences, poems and jokes,
Misunderstandings, triggers, childhood memories and treats;
Dendrites extending to corroborate,
To pass a message that transcends time,
That will leave a mark wherever it falls:
Once said cannot be unsaid,
So make sure you've first had a deep conversation with yourself!

What a base necessity,
Ha, try living without it and see how life is!

Words, languages, frontiers and individuality,
Invocations, cantares, more poems and dreams!
Musical notes telling a story,
Touch and gestures that will mark one another with intention of without,
As we constantly need to reassure our selves,
Making sure our message makes sense inside and out!

What a tidy little word,
The one thing that connects the whole world!

Words, families, partners and friends,
Songs that we heard all our lives and with a horrid shock suddenly understand,
Stories from cultures, generations and journeys abroad,
Of conquest, understanding, liberation and growth,
Magicians, Word Weavers, Great Masters and Bards,
As the Priestess sings and wakes up a star,
The power of Words will live after we all die.

Charts, more poems, stories and songs,
Communication as our world gets recorded forever more,
The healing of music, touch, gestures and - words!
Fall in love with a song and tell your story and communicate through lore...

More poems?
Why not!
Communication lets us all flow,
Communication is like... Snow?

Sandra Tena Cole ~ Actress, Model, Writer, Esoteric Explorer & Happy Bookworm

Photo: the author as the Element of Air for the first Samhain Wild Hunt - Glastonbury Dragons Celebrations 2016.

My Amazon Author Page:

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