jueves, 19 de marzo de 2020

My parents and the meaning of Life

Today, as well as being my Handfasting anniversary with my gorgeous Stephen, it's also my parents wedding anniversary! We didn't plan it that way, it was just how the dates worked out best for everyone and that's what happened, but in any case I am so honoured and privileged to share a synchronous anniversary with my parents, the two brilliant people who created our family and brought me and my sister up to be kind, generous, great lovers of culture and of knowledge too; these two wonderful people who have supported me in all my endeavours and all my emotional turmoils, and who even now are ready at the touch of a button if I'm in need and who applaud my creative endeavours from afar.
However, it's not just any anniversary for them - no, it's their 42nd anniversary! So, just think about it: 42 years ago they stood in front of all the people they loved and cherished and vowed to one another that their love was real. 42 years and many journeys, house moves, learning experiences for each of their daughters and for themselves, camping trips, museum days, cinema outings, life complications, illnesses, misunderstandings, fayre excursions, swimming lessons, music shows, stories written, stories told, beloved dogs, cornmaze adventures, episodes of hilarity, theatre treks, reasons for merriment, one grandson, and 5 1/2 cats later, they have reached the meaning of life.

...And more to the point, they have reached the meaning of life together! So I celebrate them!
Thank you Mum & Dad, for being the meaning of life!

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