The best companion that ever existed died today. My beloved Michigan was sixteen years old, and she was always a source of joy and brightness to me, to my sister Gina, to my parents, and to a lot of the people who got to know her. She was kind and loyal and extremely smart. She was also as cute as a cat can ever be, and my nickname for her was “Ternurita” (Cuteness). She was the perfect mix of pet and familiar. She was always there for me, even the years I was away. Every time I’d Skype with my parents she would sit with them (or on them, or sometimes actually IN their place, making them have to find a new place to sit). She provided me with a lot of qualities that I am proud to have acquired: the happy admission that I am different and that I had to follow my own path, the strength necessary to get out of certain black situations, the inspiration to write from my heart and the purity of a real smile and laughter, in health and sickness, always grateful for my blessings…
Michigan was a pure soul, there is no doubt about it. Everyone who looked at her or at her pictures would react with an aww or an ooo, even if they didn’t like cats… even they could see the sweetness in her and the amazing gifts she brought to my home.
Her sister Alanis is second to none, and I dearly hope that it will take a long, long time for me to return here to write about her.
They came to me when they were but two months old, also during Spring Break. I said that she was with me even while I was away; that is true: I connected with her on a frequent basis, sending her and her sister all my love and gratitude. They answered me in dreams.
Michigan slept with me most of the time, and even while away I could feel her on my hip, or at the bend of my knee, or even over my chest. She could always tell when I needed her, and she would never let me cry alone. But she also accompanied me when I laughed, and would very often laugh with me, especially if I used string or a bag or paper that I gave her to tear apart.

My sister
wrote the following on our family’s WhatsApp group:
noches familia… les comparto que hoy la familia Tena-González estamos de luto.
El día de hoy se nos fue Michigan, nuestra gatita que compartió sus más de 16
años de vida con nosotros, siempre tierna y cariñosa, fiel compañera de mi Papá
al ver el futbol.
Después de
unas semanas difíciles, por fin está en paz.
Dejó atrás a su hermana Alanis, un espacio vacío en la almohada
de Sandra, un hueco bajo las cobijas de mi cama, y un pequeño espacio entre el
sillón y la mano de mi Papá… se le va a extrañar…
evening family… I will share that the Tena-González family are in mourning
tonight. Michigan was taken away from us
today, our little cat who shared her more than sixteen years with us, always
tender and caring, faithful companion of my Dad while watching soccer.
After a
couple of difficult weeks, she’s finally at peace. She leaves behind her sister Alanis, a void
among Sandra’s pillows, a hollow nook under my blankets, and an empty space
between the sofa and my Dad’s hand… she
will be missed…)
She was a
cat who was recalled as “the famous Michigan” by people who visited us
randomly, and most would be amazed to see a cat being so social… she loved
being among people. She understood our
conversations and would even sometimes share her own thoughts on a
subject. I would have long conversations
with her and Alanis, and they would often help me during my readings and
rituals. (The purple cloth is my
rune-reading mat, btw, in case you’re wondering.)
They liked
when I read to them, especially anything Fantasy, particularly the Elven scenes
in The Lord of the Rings and the funny bits of Harry Potter, but also Borges
and Gabo (RIP, my far-away Mentor, and I hope you find each other one of these
days and make each other laugh), and even a little bit my of own work… and I
confess that I feel guilty that I did not do that during these last couple of
months since being back… I promise I
will read to Alanis, though, when I return next week…
She also
loved Enigma and Sara Brightman just as much as I did, and actually she liked
most of the music I played (they both do); I even dedicated to her a Celine
Dion song, one of the voices that soothed her the most, and the song is
Fly. However, they also changed my taste
regarding a few certain groups that I won’t mention cos I don’t want to hurt
sensibilities, but I will say that were a bit raucous… Still cracks me up…!
She was
also quick as a dart, taking all kinds of food from us, mostly from the table,
but even at times almost from my mouth (she would literally jump up to my lap
and put her nose to my mouth when I ate cookies… I would have to push her away with my elbows
to keep her from licking me, and even though she –luckly- never succeeded, I
often had to give up a piece of cookie to settle her back on the couch). And just as with this yogurt, she would leap
onto our pasta, chicken, shrimp, turkey breast slices (which she used to gladly
eat on the floor anyway), and even once she dug a hole on my sandwich to get to
my avocado…
So she
gives us the parting gift of amazing memories and laughter that will heal the
hurt of longing… and also the desire to
remain tender forever, because such a trait has to be kept, forever and ever
and with everyone…
And even in
the end she sends me a shower of light and blessings, a smile as I finish
writing this and see the pictures, and a feeling of gratitude that has
blossomed in my heart for her, for Alanis, and for every single blessing that
my life has been glad to receive.
Thank you
my darling! You will forever be my
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