domingo, 6 de julio de 2014


OK, to begin with, sorry for my sudden disappearance, hehe (whoops!). I've been trying to settle back into London life and I have to start by saying, man, my insomnia is really going to town!  I have a really bad case of Worrying-about-what’ll-happen-nextitis.  So, then, I know that over the past few weeks all you’ve heard of me is about my writing and my path and all of that stuff, but worry not, because I’ve only got two thanks left in the thanking series and then we’ll be able to move on to worldlier subjects.  But given that I am in fact very stuck regarding my witting, and I do not want any of that worry to leak into those thanks, I will move on to another subject today and give both Newcastle and my independent instructors the respect in the thanks they both deserve!

So I shall start with today’s subject:  why London?  That’s the question the Border Agency officer asked me when I arrived two weeks ago, and it kept playing in my mind this morning as I got on the tube and I watched the neighbourhoods pass by (with the buildings that I still am not sure if are terraced houses or something else in architecture lingo), and Canary Wharf, and the multi-national people coming on and off the Hammersmith and City line car where I sat reading (or rather looking up every once in a while to be able to have seen everything I just mentioned).  There’s so many of us who want to be here at least a while, so many who want to stay forever.  There’s so many, British and International alike, who just want to pack up and leave.  So then, why London?  I just cannot explain.  All I can say is, Why not?

The question in my mind came accompanied by another one: What were my life choices that led me to this? What were the moments in my life when I looked at the streets and buildings in my own country and consciously decided that what I looked at here (in England) was infinitely more beautiful?  And so, does it happen for everyone like that?  Maybe for some people the place is more attractive if it is more different to “home”, or maybe it’s the other way around.  Maybe some people think exactly like me: that no matter how beautiful one’s own country is, there is another one in which we vibrate better.  I can personally vouch for Mexico, and declare with absolute certainty that some (a lot, in fact) cities in the country are among the most beautiful cities in the world...  in fact I’m sure there are many many countries where there are incredibly beautiful cities, and countryside and scenery and stuff! (Not the desert, Mom and Aunt Martha, I’m sorry, but I just cannot find a liking to it...  just give me tall trees and hills and I’ll be happy, okay?).  And even then, people move around.  It’s not only me who’s leaving a beautiful place for another... my new flatmate is from Vienna for God and the Goddess’ sakes! Vienna!!  And she’s completely excited to be here, and who am I to ask her why, right?  Talk about hypocrisy... (mine, not hers!).  So then, this all links very nicely into something that I’ve had in my head for a while: the reality of empirical beauty.  I will talk about this later on, in an entry dedicated to looks, but it applies here as well!  For those of you who don’t know the reference, it is spoken first by Harry when he tells Sally that she’s empirically beautiful, but that he’s not attracted to her...  ok, so in the end they get together, so it might not be the best example for this, but it still applies!  (Oy, spoilers, sorry!  Anyone who hasn’t seen the movie just watch it anyway, cos it’s a Billy Chrystal/Meg Ryan jewel ;) and I’m sure you’ve heard of it: “When Harry met Sally”).

Right, so why London, then? Some people have heard me speak about the vibration of the cities, which is not in any way a new subject.  I discovered it by myself, twenty years ago here in London, but I still didn’t know what it was.  I’d only said that the city made me feel so free and placid, and it took years for me to come up with the sentence “I vibrate better in London”.  Well, turns out that I’m not the only person in the world to feel that way.  There are millions out there, billions, probably, who know they vibrate better somewhere, but they have no words to explain it with.

Let me go to the basics:  we are all made up from energy, and everything we create around us is made up from energy as well... and through history and the changes in the world the energy changes and adapts to the circumstances, gathering new energy as things develop.  I will advise anyone who’s interested in this to read up on the subject, because it’s very pretty and useful.  I’m not going to go into more detail here, but do research on it ;)

So then, what happens with people when they arrive in a place where the energy resonates positively on them (or rather, into them)?  It brightens them up, of course!  Now, my perfect solution to the problems of the world is that everybody left the places where they don’t feel right and move into the places where they feel amazing.  Just look at the perfection of the plan: not everybody feels the same way about every place, so there’d be enough places for everyone to be in!  Granted, I do not mean the people who don’t feel right and just want to escape because they broke up with their boyfriend or can’t find the right job...  No no no, I mean energetically...  If they feel good energetically, they’re more bound to be with the right person and in the right job (yikes, I’m not the right example for this... do not ask me why I’m saying this if it’s not being the case for me.  Idealist, remember?) (Hey, maybe I just started my path?).  So, before making any rushed decisions, people would have to determine whether it is the city that does not feel right or it if is something external...  And in any case, I know plenty of people who would be extremely content in rural spaces, so I’m sure that cities would not be overpopulated...  Can you see now why this is the perfect plan?  And because of the improvement of individual happiness, then problems like economics and hunger and violence would probably just sort themselves out within a reasonable amount of time from the beginning of the change...  Anybody wants to follow me on this?




So, back to reality then...  Yeah, I’m an idealist, not daft!  Just, if this in any way helps anyone understand why they like some place even though everyone says they’re crazy, at least my work for today is done...  I’m back from Utopia now, and will probably need some nourishment soon, preferably in the form of coffee and a tuna sandwich...  I think if I eat something heavier than a sandwich I will fall asleep.  That’s a big no-no for me at the British Library.  Er... it’s probably a big no-no for everybody...

Um, whoever said that London was cool at this time of year??  Well, it is cool after seven or something, but otherwise, geez!  And there’s my Greek friend Spyros saying that there’s nothing like London in the sun (yeah, he’s from Athens!  Athens!!  Now you get my drift?).  And I have to admit he’s right, even me, little old rain-loving me, have to admit that there’s nothing like London in the sun...

Love and blessings to all!

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