viernes, 9 de enero de 2015

Favourite authors birthday list... :D

Soooo, because I'm hurring to deliver my writings on my own goal-set thinghy that I did last week, the voice in my head told me to do this list today, hehe... I will use it for my literary purposes, including a birthday section on Inkwells and Daydreams, but maybe just now that the year is begining, one of my lovely readers might want to know some of these birthdays and do a bit of a celebration of their own, so everybody wins...
As far as you know me, btw, since Fforde and Murakami are coming up (and I share my birthday with Murakami, who knew?), I will deliver a couple surprises back here on Sunday and Monday, so come back and check them out ;)

Incredible authors who guided me thorugh my growth, words, and daydreams!  I hope they inspire you as much as they've done me, and that this information is useful to you:
JRR Tolkien January 3

Jasper Fforde January 11

Haruki Murakami January 12

Lewis Carroll January 27

Charles Dickens February 7

Gabriel García Márquez March 6

Douglas Adams March 11

Octavio Paz March 31

Charlotte Brontë April 21

William Shakespeare April 23

JM Barrie May 9

 Alfonso Reyes May 17

Arthur Conan Doyle May 22

Salman Rushdie Jun 19

Dan Brown June 22

George Orwell June 25

Alice Munro July 10

Alexandre Dumas July 22

Emily Brontë July 30

JK Rowling July 31

Jorge Luis Borges August 24

Agatha Christie September 15

F. Scott Fitzgerald September 24

Carlos Ruiz Zafón September 25

Miguel de Cervantes September 29

Oscar Wilde October 16

Michael Ende November 12

Louisa May Alcott November 29

Jane Austen December 16

Augusto Monterroso December 21

Benjamín Tena Antillón December 31

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