martes, 1 de marzo de 2016

A new perspective on facing the old ghosts

We all know how frustrating it is to have to go back to an issue that we thought we’d already healed, especially when it’s taken us a long time to work it out, or when our circumstances have changed a lot for the better, or when we have seen so much progress on that account that we’d already reached a point of being proud of ourselves…  Yes, we’ve all been there, and we all dread being there again, and we constantly prepare so that it doesn’t happen – yet we’re all probably going to be there again anyhow!  So, what’s to be done about this?  If it’s unavoidable, why do we keep on trying to make things better for ourselves?  If we’re going to have to deal with the same issue over and over again, why do we even bother healing?  Well, the answer is simple enough: because we all deserve to live a life in which we are healed and whole and satisfied.

Why does this happen, then?  If we all deserve to feel good with what we’ve done with ourselves, why do we have to keep looking at certain issues over and over again?  The way most people think about this is that they haven’t quite learned what they needed to learn, and that’s why they have to be in the same situation again – that could be true in the case of people that find themselves over and over in similar situations: jobs that give them the same kind of challenges, relationships that fail for the same reasons, or social, financial or health issues akin to previous ones.  In that case, a full reassessment of their attitude and response to those problems has to be done, but what if it is that we only have to look at the circumstances again without having to undergo the actual situation?  In that case, there might be good news ahead!  Heraclitus said: “No man steps into the same river twice, for it is not the same river and he is not the same man”, and in a very deep, spiritual way, it’s the same with the problems: they are not the same problems that they were to begin with; and even more to the point, you are not the same person that you were back then, because you’ve already undergone a huge learning and, hopefully, evolving process.

Ask yourself this: what if you have to see that life you left behind because you have to show to yourself right here, right now, how much progress you’ve made?  What if the challenge this time is to show yourself how much better you are at this moment, how much you’ve evolved, how much you have now to feel proud of yourself about?  Plenty of people feel afraid of this moment, because they find it hard to believe that they might have had so much progress, and they might even feel undeserving to have achieved something or to have the respect of others for how brilliantly they’ve done in their path, so could it be then that this bend of the labyrinth consists of a test from yourself to yourself?  We all have to undergo it sometime, because we also need to respect ourselves and be self-aware of our achievements, only some people find it more difficult than others!  And some people let it go to their heads, I know, but they have their own set of challenges to work with…  Still, maybe this change of perspective is one many of us need in order to remain strong and keep going, and I want to share with you how I came to that conclusion.

I’ve spoken many times on this blog about my ongoing process of having to look at the same situation from different angles, about acquiring a new perspective on an old issue, and about finding myself face to face with old ghosts and shadows.  Today I am living a similar process to that, except that it is kind of reversed: it’s not about the being there “again”, but about having read an entry from two years ago which I could have easily written a couple of months ago instead!  Save a few changes that is – two years ago I was single and frankly very scared that I would remain that way, whereas today I am happily married to an incredible man; two years ago I was moving out of London and back to Mexico as a frustrated jobless Graduate, whereas today I have moved out of Durango and into England as a resident and a freelance writer… so a few major changes that is!  Still, the entry that I cleaned up a few days ago made me think how similar those months after arriving from London were to those months of waiting from my residency to come through: both times I had to confront my issues as a misfit, both times I had to face my fears of not being able to succeed, and even both times I had to fight my inner demons regarding my confidence in myself, physically, emotionally and intellectually…  It took me a few weeks to realise that it was not about having to learn something new, or having to undergo the process again because I hadn’t done a good enough job the first couple of times around, but because I had to see how much progress I’d made!  It seems like a very basic thing to mention, but sometimes we need a reminder of the most basic things in order to keep going.  Sometimes we need to be told that we have the tools we need, and sometimes we need to have a go at something again so that we can show how better we can handle it this time around.

So, my dear readers, I hope this has been a pleasurable and helpful read for you, and I hope you have a wonderful month ahead of you!

Many blessings and much light!

Sandra Cole ≈ Writer, healer, seeker, lover

To read more of my healing techniques, you’re welcome to visit me at:

To read my literary works, please visit me at:

lunes, 1 de febrero de 2016

The Mysterious Lady of Glastonbury revealed

Written on Monday September 15, 2014…  That date means a lot: in Mexico, my native country, it's the Independence Day celebrations... for me here in the UK, my adopted country, it was the day of my rebirth (or regeneration if I must)... as a writer, as a healer... my first visit to the Isle of Avalon...
I went to Glastonbury for the first time this weekend, and I worked harder than I have possibly ever worked in my life! Before you jump into any sort of wacky conclusions (especially because this was particularly intended to be posted on the Friday after the YouTube upload of The Glastonbury Mystery, it does not mean that our Renaissance-Man Director Mani Navasothy overworked us… well, yes, he did, a little bit, but that is not the point… hehehe).  Kidding, so before you jump into any sort of conclusion then, let me tell you this:  I have talked about my path, about my process of healing and creativity, in many previous posts, and by this time I should have my Healer blog all pretty and set up, so in this post I’m going to go no-boundaries and delve deep into the four pillars that constitute me: I am firstly and foremost a creator, and even after the disappointment of knowing certain dark truths about one of my favourite authors from my teens, I still have a poignant love for everything that revolves around Morgaine and the Mists of Avalon. Certainly, everything related to King Arthur, Excalibur and the Round Table will always mean a great inspiration source for my own Lady Rhiannon and Sir Orlando… You will have to wait until Tuath, the second book in my Pentacle series to read about that ;) although I am giving many hints constantly!
So, that’s the first “Me” pillar: the Writer.  And I must say, it has struggled to stay up for quite a while now.  It’s difficult, more than even those people that tell me to “think realistically” imagine.  Everyone tends to think that just because I am a dreamer it means that I don’t know the real price of things, but it’s the other way around… See, I have decided to become a full-time optimist because it’s the only way that I don't want to die every single day I feel I’m a living failure…  Now, most people would want to jump in and reassure me here, but I’m not saying this to look for pity, I’m saying this because it is the truth: I found my best medicine against depression ever, and it turns out that I had it with me all along, I just hadn’t really been using it until I had to leave England last January… that was the only thing I could cling to, my optimism!  And I haven’t let go since, because it is the only thing that helped me realise that things have been moving all along, even though I was too blind to see it before; also that there was something very real to learn from every single one of my failures, not just the “love yourself” type of thing that everyone kept hitting me with because they couldn’t see that that was never the problem… When I found *that* out, believe you all me, my life changed so amazingly that I was not even prepared to receive the amount of choices I was going to be delivered.  And now I can safely say that no one can wipe the smile from my face that easily…  What does any of this have to do with my writing? Everything!  Because, like I’ve said before, Pentacle came to be because of my need to hide from the real world because of my social failure.  So, now that my life has finally started to settle, I can finally also sort that one out, and magic is ensuing from my fingers by itself, because of the amazing power of optimism.  I will say this: it’s not a matter of not wanting to see reality, it’s a matter of choice.  Yeah, you don’t like what you see? What are you going to do about it?  Are you going to get angry and stressed?  Or are you going to take the best things from it to make your present moment a bit better and use everything around you to keep going in the direction you actually want to go?  Ahh, you’re going with the second choice?  There you go, you’re an optimist!  See?  It wasn’t so hard!
(Editing note from January 2016: I am at that bend in the labyrinth when I needed to learn that lesson once more!  I was temporarily caught by my fears and my optimism faltered, but I was able to look back on my life and the blockages faded as I recognized the old patterns).
Now we can move on to my second “Me” pillar, the Healer… I have to admit that there was a point in my life when I could not bring myself to believe my abilities in this profession, mostly because I felt I was so behind everyone else, and my own healing most of all, that there was no way I could even think I could manage… And then magic started!  I decided to heal because there was no way I could carry on with my life if I didn’t!  There were many things holding me back, mostly that I constantly found myself unable to say that I am a writer because I had nothing to prove that I was, you know what I mean?  And ironically, now that I’ve become the Doctor it’s the same story.  Many of my friends kept telling me that I had to *believe* it when I told people, that I had to own it and then people would stop going “Yeah… ok, change of subject…”, but both things are one and the same: what did I have that I could use to prove it?  To others, I am mostly a girl in funky cosplay trying to be funny in London and Glastonbury with Tennant’s Sonic Screwdriver in my hand.  It kept running through my mind that had it been Joe there instead of me, then the reaction of people to the two Doctors would have been totally different, because nothing would have been funnier than two boys quipping about who was “Who” and so on and so forth, but a girl?  There is a lot more than “owning it” to that part, and possibly someone with an acting career (OR a published book or two!) would have pulled it off tremendously, but not when the story repeats itself on itself and folds over twice more...  That’s when it hit me, up at the Tor:  I had always known how I felt about this, I was just using the wrong words to explain it… My whole life has been about the challenge of proving WHO I am (pun partially intended); I thought it was about justifying myself to people, but it is more than that, it’s about letting them *know*, and making sure they never forget!  So that’s why I kept running into walls!  They don’t have to understand me, they just have to know I’m there, and for that my presence and my actions are what count… and that was my goal of healing right then and there… That’s not to say that I was not healing everything else as well, because, phew, I have to say, that whole naked-under-the-blanket-in-the-middle-of-the-street thing?  Doesn’t get any more healing than that!
(Editing note on January 2016: the original storyline included another Doctor, Joe Teulon, but he had to drop out due to personal reasons, leaving Stephen Cole and me to lead the series, that’s why there are a few mentions of another male Doctor on this and other entries of those weeks).
Yeah, I’m probably disclosing secret production details here, but the peak of it all is, once you’re able to heal yourself you’re then able to heal others, so it was a pretty brilliant graduation for me…  which brings me to my third “Me” pillar…  The Beauty “Me”.  Not that I believe I am better than anyone else, please stop calling me arrogant and whatnot, we already talked about this months ago!  As a result of strange happenings and dishappenings during my childhood and early teens, my whole belief in myself in a physical sphere had flopped and just dragged me down for ages…  truly ages… thing is, people tend to tell me I’m beautiful as if they couldn’t understand why I am single (variations of this depending on gender, age, marital status, gender preference, family/friendship relation to me, and also city, country and world that it is being said in…  but that’s the common gist of it), and I didn’t understand either.  Somewhere back in my past, people also spoke about my beauty in a “look at yourself and love yourself” kind of way.  Today sometimes they speak of it in a stop-being-so-arrogant sort of way, so I guess I took the first advice too far? Haha.  I do admit that I am the Queen of Vanity, what with being so in love with myself and all, but I think that by now we all agree that it was Mani Navasothy’s doing, right?  If he hadn’t dragged me into this project the world would not be in so much danger of a paradox… hehehe.  Aside from that, I had to do that bit of healing: I had to look at myself as a woman for the first time, feel that fear, like it or hate it, accept it and take charge…  It had to be done.  It had to mean something; otherwise, what’d be the point of going through such great lengths with the healing, the arts, the creativity and the traveling miles?  It’s not every day that an opportunity such as that arrives, and I really wanted the next guy that I approached to have sex with not to yell at me “Are you crazy?” (God and the Goddess, I hope I am in a committed, sweet, mature relationship by now, eek?  Will that be too much asking? Hm, I’ll make a side-note here to make a side-note and tell whether I’m still single or not in this bit…) (Side note here, on January 2016: I am actually married!  Huzza!).  After we shot the regeneration scene, Stephen came up to show his admiration, and say that he hadn’t thought I would be brave enough to do the blanket thing… yeah, well him and everyone else! It’s the story of my life: no one ever believes that I am brave enough to do anything.  Some people say that I’m brave for trying my luck in London, but that’s about it…  This time it was about more than just showing everyone that I could be brave at something, because probably only the people reading this entry will know the truth about that scene, and probably *most* of those people already know I’m somewhat brave, so it’s not about impressing the world, but about showing *myself* that I could brave the actual recognition of myself as a lovable woman without any fear…  All right, I was afraid to be arrested for indecent exposure, but everybody did a fine job with the blanket handling, so I was covered on that part (ha! See what I did there?). (Editing note in January 2016: The Glastonbury Mystery aired on YouTube in Autumn 2015, followed by Spears of Destiny and Ceremony of Souls, the storyline becoming  three-parter.)
That pillar was all about the acceptance issue, which goes hand in hand with the fourth pillar, my Intelligent “Me”…  I have sort of left this one behind a bit…  half on purpose, half because I was hurrying forward other things I thought were more important…  but I have always been a brainy child, and there is no reason to pull away from that, especially because I had the most annoying reason anyone can ever have!  I did it for the men, all right? I’d stopped being “serious” for a while, since I’d noticed that the more I seemed to know, the more men would turn away from me and go for the bimbos…  it kept happening in Durango and it kept happening in Newcastle…  the moment it started happening in London I said to my brain that it should take a little vacation… so it went ahead of me for a little while, learned a whole bunch of new things and then came back some time ago and asked me if I wanted to bring it back to London with me, because it likes the city so, so much, you know?  So I said yes, what’s the harm it could do?  And now I am as opinionated as I’ve ever been, only with more determination, and some of the most gorgeous men I’ve met here have disliked it greatly, and some others (gorgeous or not) have absolutely loved it and fallen for me because according to them it adds to my beauty, so that’s cool…  (Side note on January 2016: and the most gorgeous of them all has become my husband two months ago, so I win!). But the important thing I’ve learned here is that I simply don’t care how people judge me anymore, and I think it is because when I sent it to its vacation, some of the things that my brain learned was to bring empathy back, both for people who have different opinions from mine, and for those that have not been as lucky as I have to find the path of optimism…  Which means, I have to apologize for swearing a bit in front of my friends when I lost it for a few minutes on account of someone complaining about something that to me was way too simple back in Glastonbury…  I think there is nothing wrong with swearing, but when it’s done with a touch of acidity toward someone, even if for a short moment, is a kind of hurtfulness that I don’t want to repeat, no matter how low-intensity or short the moment could have been or was…  Yep, so my brain went searching for the place where I’d left my empathy a few years back, brilliant, no?  I mean, a woman cannot live on beauty alone, so I have to use my mind, right? Make my own decisions and use my own power; this I’m saying because I was literally told the other morning that I was insanely hot but that he could not find me attractive because I was not willing to be overpowered by a man… this after he spent a great deal of the night texting me what I can only assume were bits and pieces of Fifty Shades of Gray, and I *kindly* told him he was way off the mark…  Where do I even find these guys? I’ve got use the rest of my Glastonbury water to clear that up, because there is no way I’m willing to spend any time around that lunacy!  I told him, “Hey to each their own and who am I to judge, but me no more!”  That’s the bit I was saying I was worried about months ago, remember?  Dating today seems to be more about the sex than it is about actually connecting, and forgive me for repeating myself, but every time I find someone fabulous, they already have someone fabulous by their side!  Heck, all my friends are fabulous (and I don’t go to any lengths whatsoever to hide the fact that I think so, you amazing boys!), and often they are all very lucky to have fabulous girls by their side! It’s only been those few times, a handful maybe, that I’ve thought that I’m going to be one of the fabulous girls by their side and they go Nah… (Side note on January 2016: Stephen Cole proved me wrong!  Our story in short is that we already fancied each other by our online conversations, and once we met in person over the glorious weekend I’m editing about we knew we had to be together always... It’s brilliant to be able to look back on our story this way, because I am learning so much of my own path as I edit, and because he has been the most amazing partner ever, and it’s beautiful to look back at both processes and how they intertwined until one became part of the other).
Now you see why it’s been so important for me to do this healing?  All of it, for years and years, not just Glastonbury… it may be that at some point I will not be writing this blog anymore because the need for catharsis is over and then I focus only on the serious blogs; but in the meantime, if this catharsis helps others as much as it’s helped me, I’m glad I’m doing it. (Side note on January 2016: I stopped for a few months, but only to realise that it is always healing to look back and that every catharsis means a serious blog, because every catharsis means healing for the writer and for the reader, so I shall carry on).
So, that’s my account, and it only could have been done this way: write it down today and post it in a few months time, when it is all done and shown… I loved Glastonbury for all it was, all it is, and all it will always be: a doorway for all to reach higher grounds of spirituality…  I was the luckiest woman in the world to have gone with such an amazing group of people, and to do such an amazing project as well!  From the streets and The Cat and the Cauldron, to the handmade Mexican butterfly that you can spot now inside my TARDIS; to the Chalice Well and the White Spring to the Tor, everything was magical and beneficial… not to mention all my little late-generation jokes (or foreignerisms, however you wish to call them…) about having jelly babies with Stephen, or how when you go to the doctor they often prescribe you to have a jelly baby, or how I felt like a changed man, or how the Doctors spooned for the very first time in history – across the table at the George and Pilgrim – and so on and so forth, up to the point of walking up to Lesley and asking her “Are you my mummy?” (oh, how we laughed at that one)… Some people did laugh a lot, some rolled their eyes; at one point Mani and Stephen looked at me and I could just see the little dialogue globes pop up from their heads and read “She’s funny and sweet and I don’t want to hurt her feelings, but can’t she see that we’re trying to concentrate here??”…  Learning reassessed: there is always someone who’s going be new at something, hehehe. So, in short and after five pages of non-stop joyful writing, I loved every bit and every minute of Glastonbury, best experience ever to combine my four pretty pillars, yay!

Here finishes the original blog – along with my editorial notes!
Have a wonderful week everyone, keep enjoying the Doctor Who London episodes (Imaginarium Fan Productions), keep enjoying my entries every first of the month, and do check out my short story collection and novels at Amazon Kindle :)
Love and blessings!
Sandra Cole ≈ Writer, dreamer, healer, lover

To find my Amazon novels and short stories, please visit:
To read my writer’s blog, please visit:
To access my healer website, please visit:
And to watch our Doctor Who London (Imaginarium Fan Productions), please visit:

viernes, 1 de enero de 2016

The things I learned last year

I thought it’d be nice to start off this blog again with something of the “Things I’ve learned” series.  This past year has been most influential in my learning process, indeed!  So full of blessings and travels and stress… so full of surprises and longing and joy…  Yes, they can all coexist.  I already knew some of the issues on this list, but what I gained from finding new angles to look at them from was a better understanding of them, and more appropriate ways of expressing them.

1.      I learned that trying to come up with “new” material is not always the way to go when you’re on the healing path (for yourself or for others).  The thing is, I’d stopped writing briefly because I felt that everything that I had to say, I’d already said; I thought I was being repetitive, but in fact I was doing my own inner Labyrinth, where I have to keep walking for a while because I’ve yet to reach the exit and start again.  That’s what we’re doing all our lives, whether we realise it or not: we enter the path, we spiral and keep looking at the same situations but from different angles, then we reach our centre, we get our balance, take a deep breath and begin the journey out again, this time wiser and even able to teach others from our experience if we wish… Then in we go again and start afresh, because the human being is always growing, always evolving whether they intend it or not.  So, while I’m doing the promised re-editing of the entries I’ve already got here, I might revisit some of the subjects under different lights, and see what happens ;)

2.      I realised that letting go of the blogs in order to focus on my novel was definitely not the way to go!  Of course, for those who don’t know (or rather for out-right bragging purposes), I just got married!  After such a long period of aching dryness, I met the love of my life and my whole world changed within a year… Yet for the past few months all my writing energy was put into the planning of the wedding, and I do have to wonder: if I’d been carrying on with either of my blogs, would it have made a big difference on how much more of my novel I’d finished?  This is of course an “I will never know” kind of situation, but one thing is for sure: in the half a year I didn’t follow-up on my blogs, I only finished part 1 of Iar, so I think this year I will carry on with two blogs and balance out the novel… and I’ll let you know what happens!

3.      I realised that no matter how different you are from your family, how strange you seem to them and how much that sets you apart outwardly, the genetic memories and paradigms that run as blockages in your family are still deeply ingrained in you, and sometimes even worse, because you feel so different that you never see the blockages coming until they start acting up!  So, those are the ones to watch out for, precisely because you’d never thought they were a part of you.

4.      I learned that the world needs more people talking about, understanding and yearning for natural beauty than I had given it credit for…  This issue about magazine beauty being “what attracts attention” really has to stop – when we say magazine looks are fake, it simply means that people who look more natural are actually more beautiful, because we can see the real shapes and shades of bodies and faces, instead of plaster, gloss or glitter...  Think very deeply about this, because it’s time that realising that every shape and every shade has its own beauty becomes the thing to live by (not the trend to follow, but the thing to believe and feel happy and at peace with!).

5.      Yet the other kind of natural beauty must not be forgotten, either!  No “new learning” here for me, I just wanted to point out how important it is for our health and spirit to get back to the enjoyment of nature, be it mountains, lakes, sea or desert, and anything in-between...

6.      I learned that the world needs more people talking about, understanding and yearning for being in love than I had given it credit for, too…

7.      I learned to cook a whole bunch of different yummy dishes which I hope I don’t forget before I get back home!

8.      I realised that no matter how emotionally independent you already are, there will always be someone telling you how to deal with a difficult situation (i.e., being away from your new husband for political/economic reasons during Christmas break, or how to act around your new husband so that he remains in love with you)…  And more often than not they won’t let you have your say…

9.      Referring to that, there will always be the “I have to tell you something but don’t say anything back” person in your life.  You know the one I mean, “I have some advice to give you, and it’s up to you whether you take it or leave it, just don’t say anything about it, because even though I’m not living your life or have any idea what you’re going through, if you try to explain to me things I don’t understand about your situation, it’ll just mean that you’re someone who doesn’t want to change, lacks the force of will to do anything about your situation and/or are just bellicose, self-justifying and argumentative.”  Sound familiar?  Yes, because they’re always there and they’ll always be there…  But the thing is that it’s their problem, not yours!  It can be someone who loves you more deeply, even your own mum or grandmother (all right, it’s usually those people!), but that’s because they come from a paradigm where if you say your feelings it’s because you’re being quarrelsome with them and also most probably from a generation in which it was believed that women had to be sitting down, smiling quietly and giggling and laughing only harmonically in order to be perceived as lovely and attracting men to them – if a woman was sarcastic or showed feelings of dislike towards something, or felt a painful stab at something their family members said and came back with an answer, then they were rude and unlovable all of a sudden.  No…? Doesn’t ring a bell?  Was that just Latin America, then…?  I don’t know, but anybody reading this from anywhere in the world and feels related to it, feel free to take the advice of remembering that it’s their problem, not yours!

10.   I learned how important it is for the world to understand that men also have it socially hard regarding similar issues ladies do…  This seems like a very basic thing not to have learned by the age of 33, but when you’ve spent your life either single or with really bad experiences of men, it’s hard to learn even the basic things, especially when all my male friends are so laid back that I often thought that because they deal with it differently than us it was somehow easier for them…  But it’s not about how easy or hard it is, because that actually applies to every single human being on the face of the earth: everyone feels differently, so something that might be easy for one might be difficult for the other, and that doesn’t make the one stronger than the other or vice versa!  The fact is that the new wave of feminism is in dire need of balance…  There are some activists out there, like the by-now-loved-by-all Emma Watson who seem to be doing things right, but we still need more people to hop on board and make sure that this is a win-win situation for both genders…

11.   I learned how to handle babies!!  More or less…

12.   I learned that people won’t appreciate what you’re saying about your health, emotional situation, or job/marital/living status until you show them a good article on such a subject.  All right, I was being sarcastic with the “I learned” bit, I’ve always known that, but I momentarily forgot and it came back to bite me in the bum…

Thank you for being here with me in this re-launch of my blog…  I hope you enjoyed yourselves, and that you enjoy your first weekend of the year ;)

Cheers and blessings and happy 2016!!

Sandra Cole ≈ Writer, dreamer, healer, lover


Read more about my healing activities at:

And about my literary works at: