sábado, 8 de junio de 2019

Swimsuits and lingerie - for mental health and more!

A couple of weeks ago, my gorgeous and always supportive Stephen and I mentioned that I'd done a lingerie and swimwear photoshoot for charity, raising funds for Mental Health Awareness and Chestnut Appeal (for prostate cancer). Well, this is the second phase! I'm in a competition with over 300 girls to be in a calendar - UK Calendar Girls - which itself raises funds for different charities each year. The way the fundraiser goes is that people vote through their phones and 15% of the cost goes towards the charities (the rest to cover admin costs and to keep the event running), and the finalists do a series of fundraisers at the end of the competition.
I particularly love that one of the charities being looked after this year is Mental Health Awareness, as I have dealt with Mental Health issues my whole life and I was also given the chance to do some research for a mental health clinic at some point in my life. As someone who's had paranoia, dysmorphia, depression and crippling anxiety for most of my life (sometimes even all at once), to raise awareness about mental health is something I consider highly important. After two miscarriages in my early twenties (while already carrying the horrible side  effects of PCOS, as well as heavy - although life-saving - psychiatric treatment), my metabolism was never the same. The collagen disappeared from my body, my breasts and my knees getting the worst of it, and doing the simplest of crunches would set off an episode of contractions that would render me useless... But I've always been a very active person! From the long hikes me and my cousins would take over childhood camping trips to long hours of dedicated workout where eventually I would experience serious burnout because of how unstable my metabolism was, to this day when activity for me is a must! I've always had healthy eating habits, too, with lots of fruit and veg and lots of water, balancing my carbs and protein, etc... However, as many people in my life are aware of, one of the things I suffered constantly in my life in Mexico was criticism over my looks (I have too many curves and wear too little makeup, apparently), so one of the things I was set on for this competition was to not have anything airbrushed, as I genuinely believe that we need to stop telling women (and men, for that matter!) that that we are imperfect - we all have this or that or the other that we're always going to want to change, enhance or eliminate completely, but that doesn't make us imperfect or ugly! Sure, hit the gym, eat better, whatever you want or need to do, but only because that's good for you, not because if you don't do it then you're "not perfect". Same with the makeup - if you're someone who expresses stuff through makeup because of the colours and shades and that gives you an outlet, hooray, carry on! But please stop believing that the only way to be beautiful is to contour and plaster your face away...
So, yeah, I requested for none of my pictures to be airbrushed because I genuinely believe that expresses better my commitment to Mental Health Awareness, and to helping people see themselves as they truly are and experience the beauty of themselves as they are. The competition was open to women of all shapes and sizes, ages 18 - 45. At 37 I am already considered a "mature" model in the industry, thus having only started two years ago means my chances of really getting in are pretty low. As you can see I'm putting my best foot forward, though! I was pleasantly surprised to see that most ladies in the competition had either focused on getting their bodies ready for the photoshoot and thus not required airbrushing, or simply decided to show their scars and weight "issues" in the very same way I did and felt proud of their own strength and resilience!
Now, I am a model, an actress and a writer, all of it self-made, and all of it ties into the same story, which I strive to tell as I feel others might benefit from my story, so I shall keep releasing bits and chapters as I go along! In the meantime, please vote for me if you wish to help me support these two charities, and of course if you want to support me in my modelling career.
Before I go just to say that I also love that the Chestnut Appeal is also being supported, as men often get sidelined when it comes to cancer awareness!
Oh, and in case anyone was wondering, no, I don't intend to stop being a life model! I love doing that for a living and I wish to continue as long as I can! I just want to do all different types of modelling, is all!
As always wishing all my dear readers the best,
Sandra Cole ~ Actress, Model, Writer, Incorrigible Optimist

Photo by Andy Owen

MUA in all pictures Lydia Grimshaw

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