lunes, 9 de marzo de 2015

Glastonbury Tales, pt. 4

It’s been a time of intense reflection, a whirlwind of activities keeping me from typing away as I’d wish…  Typing away, I say, yet thankfully not unable to write in general!  After a long meditation/inner debate about which of the original ideas actually work (presently, in my grown-up form), and which are obvious childhood hiding-holes, I’ve finally settled on a core story for Pentacle, huzza!  This has been quite a lot of work, especially since it has involved touching plenty of memories that I’d thought I’d never have to think about again.  I went down the rabbit hole, but for the first time it was an unpleasant experience because of the things that I had to recall, so Wonderland turned into the Burton version; the only reason I came back safe and sound was because Stephen held my hand during the whole time…  I guess this might mean that we may both have a story to tell, huh?

Frankly, I’m fully aware that this exploration of my different realities wouldn’t have been possible if I hadn’t blurted it all out before within this blog.  Once again, writing has saved my life, figuratively and literally at the same time!  I know I’d already said that I was going to refocus this blog and edit many of those fully-open entries because I felt like my energy was leaking from them, yet I haven’t been able to find the time to do it, and you know what? I learned something new!  Yay!  I learned that as soon as I addressed the situation, “My energy is leaking, let me see what I can do about it without hurting the essence of my writing”, the leak was fixed!  I think it had to do with my being honest about it, in the same way that I’ve been about the experiences that needed healing.  The thing is, as long as we let the Universe know what the issue is and what we want to do to fix it, the Universe will answer with support and tools; you still have to do the work, but you’ll have a higher chance of success because you’ve already established it in your mind and sent the right energies into the world.

Anyway, these reflections come from a state of acceptation of myself and my story which I’ve been in during the past few weeks, and which could not have been achieved without all my previous purging.  That’s what gave me full access into my characters: a few weeks ago I said that I was ready to take control of their lives and develop the series with a balanced mind and heart, so I went deeper into the things I had to fix and this is the result, so you can imagine how happy and grateful I am.  Still, clearing those issues also meant letting go of things, places and even people that I’d always deemed important to the story, because they’d marked me for better or worse, so Cassandra had to deal with them as well, didn’t she?  Given that she’s mirroring my life in fiction, doesn’t she have to go through all of the psychological and emotional ordeals that I went through in order to get her power?  That is how good writers work, giving their characters all of their rises and falls, right?  Wrong!  I would have liked to post this entry on Friday 6th, because it was the first anniversary of Gabriel García Márquez to be celebrated after his death last April, so talking about A Hundred Years of Solitude would have been perfect!  Everyone who knows him knows that Gabo, as he is also known by friends and fans, based plenty of his fiction on his own life and family saga, A Hundred Years of Solitude included, yet he always made it so that things were sequentially or characteristically different enough so that he could call it fiction instead of bio, delivering at the same time an amazing taste of Magic Realism in which his characters (real or not) displayed all the depth and strength of presence necessary so that the readers didn’t have to even care whether they were based on reality or not…  I admit that such is my biggest wish!  I mean, those who know me will know which real names in (close enough) real events I’m using in my novels and short stories, just as which names in fake events and what real events with fake names there are…  Yet what’s the point of pointing them out? If an author catharsizes something within their writing, it’s likely that they’re not assuming that everyone will realise that it is true and point it out, and whether they choose to disclose it themselves or not (for healing, literary or commercial reasons, that’s another story!), that’s something else entirely.  Regarding disclosure, one thing I have to say in regarding how great Stephen has been during this whole process, is that he admitted from the very beginning that he felt he knew me very deeply because of how much of myself I’d been pouring into this blog; so, for him, half the things that I worked on during these past few weeks and that I needed his support to pull through, were already known to him, and the other half weren’t even a surprise!  Oh, but I wouldn’t advise this approach with any starting couples, okay?  I mean, if things come up that weren’t expected, then be empathic and honest and deal with it from a supportive position, but it’s not a very good idea to sit down together over the first few dates and say: “Yo, this is all I need to heal, will you still like me?”.  It’s probably even a good idea to stop saying Yo altogether, at least after you’ve gone into your twenties; but that’s just a personal suggestion.  Unless you can really pull it off.  I tried and it really, really doesn’t work for me.  Apparently I’m too white and nerdy to use it even as a joke, who knew?  Anyway, don’t go telling people you fancy all the things that you need to heal, unless you’ve proven to each other that there is empathy and trust!  If you’ve got neither of those things (and they have to go together), you might get burnt even worse and considered weak or needy, even if you’re neither or even if there is nothing wrong in being either!  See, in our case (Stephen and me) this works because he already knew so much about me from what he read here, and showed me empathy about it all even before we met in person, and so we’ve been honest all the time about everything from the very beginning…  And, hey, I went through six and a half years before I found trust and empathy in a man I fancied, so I’m pretty sure I know what I’m talking about.  So, in the case of new couples, if things that need healing pop up and give surprises, the best suggestion, seems to me, will always be to keep it honest and to advance through it with empathy.

It’s almost midnight now, so I’ll try and close up, but before I go I’d like to share another couple of great things that marked my Friday 6th: Stephen and I paid a little tribute to Leonard Nimoy by playing The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins at Folk Club (my first time singing in front of a live audience, btw – did not go well… but you know what they say: if you don’t get it the first time, try and try again!  And we will!!  I’ll have to keep you posted on that one, wink wink!).  And I was also kissed for the first time ever under the mistletoe…

…Erm, yes, I know it’s March.  March the 9th, in fact.  Who’s to say that using a little mistletoe brooch doesn’t count for these matters?  After all, Stephen didn’t know that such an event was a first for me, but it’s really really hard not to kiss him when he goes all history and legends and literature on me, what was I suppose to do?  Wait for real mistletoe?  Okay, I sense that this is the part where I should stop my rambling and explain the context: remember how I’ve been on and on about how I felt like I didn’t belong anywhere until I met him?  That whole “Not even in London, what am I suppose to do now?” thing?  Yes, of course you do, I probably overtalked about that subject, so I won’t blame you if you’re sitting there rolling your eyes at the screen right now, but I have to mention it because it so happened that we were talking about Stephen’s Cornish ancestry and I said yet again how nice it would be to have that sense of belonging, to be able to jump up and down in joy and point to your roots or blood or whatever, just like I say to everyone (my family included!) who mentions their roots with the passion and fervour that Stephen was talking with about Cornwall.  Long story short, he said I was mistletoe!  He said that there is nothing wrong with flying about until one is able to find a nice tree where to grow and develop oneself, and that roots do not necessarily have to grow on the ground (which finally explains why it has always been so hard for me to ground myself), but that becoming part of the chosen environment has as much merit as everything else in life…  Now, before you go all “But it’s a hemiparasite!” on me, remember that it has been recognized as a keystone species because of its role on ecological cycles…  It doesn’t just “live off its host”, but its role in the roosting, nesting and feeding of many birds make it important for the continuity of biodiversity.  Moreover, if it’s seen within the areas of spirituality and healing, it’s one of the oldest holy plants known in Druidism and myths and legends in other ancient religions.  Nowadays, Druids and many other Pagans give it its place during the winter rituals: they position a white cloth under the oaks when collecting mistletoe, so that it never touches the ground and thus keeps its holy properties.  As for the oaks, it’s an honour to be chosen by the mistletoe, because that’s what makes them holy… So, either way I look at it, I love to understand myself as mistletoe now, and to have chosen Stephen as my tree as well…

Anyway, before this starts becoming all “Dear Diary” again, I’ll leave you all with my best wishes for the week, and I’ll return on Friday with the next entry…   Now to sleep!

Love and blessings!

Sandra Tena ≈ Writer, dreamer, seeker, lover

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