miércoles, 20 de agosto de 2014

On social evolution, hopeful stereotype deletion and an evening full of growth

So, in the same evening I met an (X nationality) war veteran who insisted in making fun of me for “working” at a very touristic spot (South Bank, in view of the Tower Bridge), even though I’d told him that I was writing some notes because the view inspired me; a very energetic 30-something Mexican-American who is all about finding ways to help people exploit their abilities to get to their goals even if they have to look for alternate paths (yes, I asked for her email, got another ally on my business planning, yay!); an impressive 40+ Welsh special-needs secondary school teacher whom I fell in love with a little bit (though it could have just been a biochemical reaction based on his grazing my knee in a fit of over-gesticulation) (well, and because of “British-nerdy-teacher type” thing, lift your hand who didn’t see that coming!) who delivered us a super-intelligent take on social integration and deletion of stereotypes; and an (X nationality) historian who insists that everybody from any country is pretty much the same as their co-nationals (but gets uber-irritated when someone says “Yes, I know this or that is true cos I saw it on The Tudors/Spartacus/Rome/ect.”) (I get the irritation, I just don’t agree with the double standard), and who also tried to feed us a lot of stereotypes about his own country.

This has been a very interesting evening indeed…  I have to say that I had first written both nationalities of the people with the negative points of view, then I realized that this post was a way to vent about the so-called historian and I decided to stick to my prerogative: see the good in people, in this city, in this PLANET, because we are all so different anyway, wherever we’re from, that it’s best if we just let go of those things that might annoy us from other people.  Even those who stick to their beliefs such as that because you are in a touristic spot you should not have your nose stuck in a notebook (yes, sir, the Tower Bridge *can* be inspiring enough to make someone write stuff in a notebook), or that historians have to be objective and recognize social evolution only in academic environments but socially they should advocate to stereotypes because that’s what’s expected in society (his own words, not mine), even those people ARE in a path of learning, of opening even if it doesn’t seem so at the moment…  they might get it or not in this lifetime, but in the end it’s really about not letting it get to *us*, cos they are not actually harming us with their beliefs, only we can let it get to us or not!

I know, I know, freedom of thought…  If he wants to believe what he said, he can of course! On the upside I told him he seemed (and that I hoped I was not wrong) very intelligent, and then asked him why didn’t he use his powers for the greater good (bring consciousness to people about social evolution), to which he replied that it was not his mission to o changing people’s minds about history and society.  Again, perfectly acceptable.  Maybe I am the one who has to change her paradigms about what historians actually do?  That’s what I told him, but although it was not my intention to be insincere, I admit that I am having trouble processing my own words: it is a paradigm that I am not ready to change, nor even want to…  He said I was being an idealist… er, where have we heard that before?  Then I suppose “Perfectly acceptable” goes inserted in *here* for me now.

I acknowledge that everything I’ve written here I told them four also…  well, except the falling a bit for the Welsh, but it’s not like he’ll ever know…  would he?  He’d have to look me up in the meet-up page and Google my name and come across this thru the blog of Facebook, but what are the odds of *that* happening?  Or are there…? Lalalalalalala, no idea…  Um, yeah, I’m only writing this for the literary purposes of the blog…  There you go!  Easy-breezy, now I’m off the hook.

Oh, and the two negative people were neither British nor Mexican, I’m not hiding nationalities to *either* of my advantages, lol… I think that this second London experience has led me to be able to see even more clearly the two sides of the coin I’m made of: the stuff I love and dislike about both countries, why some of it affects me more than other things, how can I get both experiences to work in my favour instead of having one stall the other while I’m trying to focus on a particular point of my healing/creativity/evolution path/etc…  One thing I know for sure, everything does come at the right moment, and the right moment tends to be when you have prepared yourself enough to receive it; so from now on and forever, I wish my life-path to be such that I can always be preparing me to receive amazing things, wherever I am!  That means a lot of healing!  And evolving!  And love, please Universe, love!  And I have to say this one last thing before I fall asleep (cos my eyes are closing as it is), and that is, um, this was to be originally a fb status, please do not ask me how would I have shortened it at all!  Lol…

OK, eyes closing now… kind readers, much love to all, and happy evolving ;)


2 comentarios:

  1. I totally agree! Do not change your paradigm about historians. The main "justification" for studing/working on history is that it allows humankind to learn from the past. And learning give us the oportunity to evolve, to grow and to be better.
    Anyway, "objective", neutral history is an almost imposible task. It is writen by victors.

    1. Thank you for that nice addition :) I remember two of my best teachers from my BA, Consuelo Mata and Tania Fernandez, telling us the exact same thing... that is why I had to speak my mind to him. I also think that now we have more access to the other points of view from different historic events, so maybe some day history will turn more objective? Who knows, the important thing is that we keep, like you said, evolving, growing and becoming better.
