jueves, 25 de septiembre de 2014

On Femininty, Feminism and Vulnerability...

So, I was supposed to talk about my Mexican vs. British ways and likes and whatnot (and a bit about noise pollution, cos that’s a huge add-on within that particular matter)…  I’d already promised people I would do that, but in the light of recent events (and forgive me if I am riding a little bit on Emma Watson’s wave here), I feel that it’s more important that I take this subject head on.  And today, Thursday instead of Friday, cos Thor is telling me to put it out there today instead of waiting for Venus to come in the morning.  There are two reasons for this: 1) I have been ranting about my hurt and my healing, and for some people it seems to mean that I am weak, which could not be farther away from the truth!  I have previously said that vulnerability makes us stronger, because by putting ourselves right there in front of all in all our true glory, we give them no reason to think otherwise of us…  Yes, I have been hurting, and I have not even tried to conceal that vulnerable side of me, but I have also been healing, and talking about that in a world where most people don’t “believe” in healing (because they might need physical proof of it before trusting that it’s true), this makes me just as vulnerable as talking about my hurt…  Which means that now I am doubly strong, and whomever thinks that they can take advantage of me because I’m vulnerable, they’ve got another thing coming.  They will not suffer my wrath, because that would take me out of my chosen positivity, but they will not break me, either, because I refuse to give them that power.

And 2) Like I admitted days ago on the past entry’s comment, I hurt some very dear friends of mine by not being open and honest about a situation that I should have spoken about; I lacked empathy, the very thing that I was priding myself in having and wanting all to have. I have asked for their forgiveness, but I know things will take time to heal…  I believe, however, that this is what makes me human, and if I have made mistakes, just like all have, I can only hope that this will bring about a learning experience for all involved…  And I can only hope as well that I will be forgiven sooner rather than later!

So, this entry comes to be because I have been healing my femininity above all else!  And people have sort of forgotten that *that* was the part of me that was broken, not my integrity, not my professionalism, not my creativity, not my ability to believe the best in people, not the ability to wish for true love rather than someone to come and fill an empty space, not even my choice to wish the best for all even if they hurt me!  What was shattered, and note the use of past tense here, what was shattered was my femininity, all due to a 6+ year draught, where the only water I could take came sparingly and from men that go from tip to tip of the expectrum, from the ones that would obviously just consider me an one-night stand, to a person that would have raped me in my sleep had he had the chance.  I am not exaggerating, quite sadly… for reassurance’s sake, he said this to me in a series of late night texts after only two dates, so I was physically safe and also had enough sense to bat him off and put him in his place… But consider: just the fact that I am not with any of them proves that I am not desperate, and that I’m still intending that what belongs in my life is true love. I know it takes a while to get to that point, but that’s why I have decided to be with a man who would want the long haul rather than continue in a path of random, meaningless dates, you know?  I think people should respect that decision, because that’s as healthy as can be.

I think I have already said enough about what I think femininity is, and how we should all be allowed to wish for romance back without being judged, so I will add this here to complement: Feminism (that’s right, with a capital F) is a beautiful concept; it has never been an opposition to the gallantry and chivalry of men… If anything, it should be complementary: how about if men open doors for a woman not because she’s too weak to do it but because it’s romantic?  How about the romantic dates come back because it is more beautiful and fulfilling to learn about each other in a safe environment rather than making it all about the sex?  How about clothes come back not because we should be ashamed of the human body but because it is also more beautiful and fulfilling to discover each other’s physical secrets in a moment that should be thrilling and exciting for both? 

Yes, I am a Feminist, and I am absolutely proud of my body, even if I wish to trim here and there, like most humans do anyway; and I will keep on wearing clothes that bring out my best features even if some men think that I am doing it only for their benefit and try to take advantage of that, because I have become strong enough that I can say Hell no, and move on.  What, just because I’ve got amazing legs and a lovely bosom does it mean that I should not wear shorts or skirts or cleavage just to protect men from having dirty thoughts about me or women to be jealous of me?  That rapist wannabe even said that I was not playing into my body as much as I should.  That’s plain sick, all of it.  To begin with, there is always going to be someone with a shorter skirt or bigger breasts, or for the men probably someone taller or with better abs, I don’t know…  What, are they all hiding who they are to protect the rest of dirty thoughts or jealousies? Nope!  In fact, most people who look “socially” physically good are parading around half naked anyway (and dirty thoughts and jealousies will float around whether we cover up or not).  I don’t want to do that cos, like I said before, my stuff is for my man, and I respect how other people think differently so I should be respected as well, right?  I am comfortably sexy-classy, and extremely proud of it!

My view is also that vulnerability and Feminism should play into each other in an organic way: if we’re enjoying each other’s bodies, let’s do it with pure joy and respect, respect in the sense that behind closed doors things can get as wild as one wants but without fear of it showing up online!  I like how Emma Watson has defended Jennifer Lawrence about those pictures, and I believe they are more than right: who are these people that think that just because a woman wants to be adored and worshiped as a sexual goddess (cos, let’s face it, we all do!) and agree to pictures or video (cos kinky does it for so many!), does that mean that she wants to share it with the world?  Now, I have very recently done my very own naked-healing thing (and more on that to come later, cos it’s an experience worthy of sharing, as far as healing goes), and I ended up showing more bits of myself that I had ever intended to, but what came of it, the rush of freedom and self-acceptance, no one can take that away from me, not after all the jackasses that have made me feel less worthy with their words and actions…

Which brings to mind, yes, I choose to believe the best in people, but if I find out that I have been lied to, played with, like I said I won’t respond with wrath because I refuse to play into negativity, but I will turn around and walk away without ever looking back except to bring forth what I have learned and pass it on.  If anyone plays me because of my “vulnerability”, they will get the surprise that I am far from weak…  And that goes as much for a man that might lie to me, as for people that might have a secret agenda of lies and deceit and wish to “take advantage of a vulnerable me”, in order to hurt me and bring my world crashing down.  I take no sides.  I’m on my side.  Unless it’s *my* man, then I will consider him innocent until proven otherwise, but please remember that being a positive person and a full-on dreamer does not make me stupid, and if I am choosing this on account of my man, I must have a pretty darn good reason for it!  Please note: healing path since the age of 14, not desperate so as not to have fallen for other men to fill any voids…  In fact, no void at all!  I was broken in my femininity, not un-whole!  I was always complete, and did not need anybody to come be my “other half”; and I still am just that, no matter how ranty or vulnerable I come out…

Yes, I hurt, I am human… and all this blog has done for me is good things, because it has allowed me to heal that hurt through intentionalizing, as well as to know myself far better than I ever did before, whether I wanted to admit it or not…  And this in no way means that I will never hurt again cos I have “healed all”, it simply means that I know I am in the right path, and that however dark the road seems at times, I will always know now where to find the light.  Yeah, I may switch on the wrong light bulb every so often, but who doesn’t?  It’s a matter of switching it off and finding the correct one…

OK, way in tangent here, but it obvious why it’s important, right?  I have to let this be known, because a great deal of what’s being said to me these last few days has been on account of the vulnerability I have displayed here, and I do not want that at all in my life now or ever…  Not while making my British reality by getting my Tier 1 when that comes along, not by finding it through love if that’s the case…  What I do believe is that when we make decisions of this magnitude, the people who knows us the best should bear in mind the whole path that has led us to that choosing, not just the effervescence of feelings and meanings that have been displayed over the course of a few weeks (and intertwined with healing as well!).  I also know, and will work on that for as long as needed, that my brief blindness and lack of empathy makes me feel ashamed of myself for the pain I caused those I love, not because I think I was doing anything wrong…  I was doing something right, but it looked wrong because the message had not gone through from my brain to my mouth that I had to say something about it before I jumped into a new abyss…  cos let’s face it, I am a Fool so I will always be taking that leap!  And just because I am not afraid of the leap or the landing anymore, does not mean that I have become foolish or careless, but rather that I’ve had enough time to experiment with jumping and landing so as to feel certain that if my heart is telling me to jump, I will jump!  I might land on someone’s arms or I might land on my feet, either way, I’m safe.

Having said that, I have nothing but the deepest love and respect for the ones who are watching out for me, and my eternal gratitude will lay with them, so nothing I’ve said here means that I am not considering their words, but rather that I am choosing to believe the best in myself and trust that my decision shall be made for the best, whether it’ll mean eternal happiness or another heap of learning, or maybe both!

I feel that I am already saying more than I should, and for the first time ever I am not being true on my policy of full honesty and disclosure, because the whole thing is bigger than me this time (yes, even my ego allows me to see sometimes that the world does not revolve around me).  It might blow over in a day, it might take years…  (please let it be a day!), but one thing I know for certain: the Universe has answered me many questions, and I am more than ready to keep on listening, to it and to the people I care about, and that includes friends, family, and, why not, my man!

Cheers all, hope you’re all receiving blessings in many shapes and ways… xoxo

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